
Speech-Language Pathologist in New Orleans, LA

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Ashley Rieffel, M.C.D., CCC- SLP

Ashley Rieffel, M.C.D., CCC- SLP | Speech-Language Pathologist photo
Speech Therapist in New Orleans
Ashley Rieffel is a speech- language pathologist in New Orleans, LA. She specializes in the evaluation and treatment of voice and voice disorders. She has experience working with disorders of functional and/ or organic etiology. She is an ASHA certified therapist and licensed in the state of Louisiana. Please contact Ms. Rieffel for a consultation.
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Speech-Language Therapy  Raspy Voice / Muscle Tension Dysphonia
 Accent Reduction  Vocal Coaching for Singing and Performing
 Head and Neck Cancer  Voice Disorders
 Online / Video / Teletherapy
 ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist (CCC-SLP)  Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (State)