
Speech-Language Pathologist in Boca Raton, FL

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Dr. Harriet Schneider

Dr. Harriet Schneider | Speech-Language Pathologist photo
Speech Associates Of Boca Raton
Speech Therapy and Treatment
Speech Associates of Boca Raton is located in Boca Raton, Florida and has been in practice for twenty years. We specialize in the assessment and treatment of children from approximately one year of age through early adulthood. Specialty areas include auditory processing/language processing therapy, myofunctional therapy, speech and language therapy and facilitating language with children who are autistic. Other areas we specialize in are voice and stuttering therapy.
We work in conjunction with parents, teachers and other caregivers to facilitate carryover of all treatment goals.
B.S. Communication Disorders;
M.S. Communication Disorders;
D.A. Speech and Hearing Sciences
American Speech and Hearing Association
Payments Accepted
Cash, check and credit cards
Hours:Monday through Saturday
$65 - $80 per 1/2 hour session
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Speech-Language Therapy  Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Apraxia  Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
 Autism Spectrum Disorders  Raspy Voice / Muscle Tension Dysphonia
 Child Speech/Language Disorders  Speech Sound Disorders
 Developmental Delays  Stuttering
 Language-Based Learning Disabilities  Vocal Coaching for Singing and Performing
 Learning Disabilities  Voice Disorders
 Motor Speech Disorders
 ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist (CCC-SLP)  Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (State)