
Speech-Language Pathologist in San Jose, CA

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Integrated Intervention Speech Therapy

Integrated Intervention Speech Therapy | Speech-Language Pathologist photo
Serving patients and their families since 1998. Specializing in children with autism spectrum and other relationship disorders as well as feeding disorders. Offer Hanen classes for parents. Individual and small group settings available. Parent/caregiver training and consultative services available. Highly experienced with adults with TBI.
Payments Accepted
Cash, check, MC/VISA, some insurance accepted
Hours:Mon - Fri 9 - 6, Sat 9 - 1
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Speech-Language Therapy  Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Adult Speech/Language Disorders  Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
 Apraxia  Raspy Voice / Muscle Tension Dysphonia
 Autism Spectrum Disorders  Selective Mutism
 Child Speech/Language Disorders  Speech Sound Disorders
 Developmental Delays  Swallowing Difficulties / Dysphagia
 English as a Second Language  Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke
 Language-Based Learning Disabilities  Vocal Coaching for Singing and Performing
 Motor Speech Disorders
 ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist (CCC-SLP)  Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (State)