
Speech-Language Pathologist in San Jose, CA

Thrive Therapy & Social Center

Thrive Therapy & Social Center | Speech-Language Pathologist photo
Pediatric Multi Disciplinary Center
At Thrive, we recognize and embrace a broad view of communication by assessing and enhancing the following: initiation of spontaneous communication in functional activities across social partners and settings, comprehension of verbal and nonverbal communication in social and community settings, and communication for a range of social functions that are reciprocal and promote the development of friendships and improve quality of life. The Augmentative Alternative Communicationunication Program focuses on identifying communication options for persons with communication impairment and determines the most appropriate high-tech, low-tech and/or no-tech solutions.
Payments Accepted
Cash, check and visa
Hours:8-7 mon-fri
$135 per session
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Speech-Language Therapy  Developmental Delays
 Apraxia  Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Autism Spectrum Disorders  Raspy Voice / Muscle Tension Dysphonia
 Child Speech/Language Disorders  Vocal Coaching for Singing and Performing
 ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist (CCC-SLP)  Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (State)