Speech-Language Pathologist in Santa Barbara, CA
Core Speech Therapy | Speech-Language Pathologist photo
Core Speech Therapy
Private Speech Therapy
Santa BarbaraCA 93101
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Practice Information
Melissa Johnson is a Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist residing in Santa Barbara, California. Melissa received her Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Disorders and Master of Science degree in Medical Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Washington. She holds a Certificate of Clinical Competency from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and is licensed as a Speech-Language Pathologist by the State of California. Melissa has extensive experience working with a wide variety of individuals with speech and language disorders in diverse settings. Melissa has worked in outpatient clinics, acute care hospitals, rehabilitation units, schools, and private practice.
 ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist (CCC-SLP)
 Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (State)
University of Washington
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Speech-Language Therapy
 Accent Reduction
 Adult Speech/Language Disorders
 Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
 Autism Spectrum Disorders
 Child Speech/Language Disorders
 Developmental Delays
 Language-Based Learning Disabilities
 Learning Disabilities
 Motor Speech Disorders
 Selective Mutism
 Speech Sound Disorders
 Swallowing Difficulties / Dysphagia
 Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke
 Voice Disorders
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