Ann Kennedy is a speech-language pathologist in Dallas, TX
Speech Therapy services are provided to students who have been evaluated and diagnosed with a communication disorder, such as fluency (stuttering), an articulation impairment, a language impairment, or a voice impairment that adversely affects their educational performance and requires specially designed instruction from a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) to help the
SLP licensed in CT, TX and ME
Katherine Lamin is a speech-language pathologist in Austin, TX. Licensed in ATX, CT and ME.
Practice Type:
• Self-Employed
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Central Auditory Processing Issues • Language acquisition disorders • Phonology Disorders • SL
Speech and Language Therapy and Aba Therapy in One Location
Building BLOCS serves children with autism and other language, behavior, and learning needs in the greater austin area. Challenging behaviors often arise because children lack the ability to communicate. At Building BLOCS, the behavior therapist and language therapist collaborate on goals and methods, realizing that each of these areas is dependent on and contributes
Speech Impairments & Stuttering
Allison Elium, M.A., CCC-SLP is a licensed speech-language pathologist and founder of Wildflower Speech Therapy. She specializes in treating speech disorders and stuttering in children and adults. To make speech therapy a comfortable and personalized experience, Allison provides speech therapy in the comfort of your home. She can also provide services at children's pr
Speech & Occupational Therapy
Evaluations, Treatment, & Consults
Capital Area Speech has been serving the Austin area since 1988. We provide speech, language, and occupational therapy screenings, evaluations, treatment, and consults for adults and children.
Some of the areas treated are: speech articulation, stuttering, cleft palate, feeding, language, dyslexia, fine motor coordination, gross motor coordination, handwriting, autis
Dyslexia Screening Assessments and Therapy
Since 1984, I have worked with professionally diagnosed clients who have dyslexia or related disorders such as language based learning disabilities. I use various programs depending on the needs of my clients. Take Flight, Rewards, Basic Language Skills, Wilson, and Lindamood-Bell are some of the programs that I am able to implement with my clients. I teach phonolo
Ginny Garrison West, Reading Plus of Austin
Certified Academic Language/Dyslexia Therapist
Ginny has two degrees in English, plus an all-level teaching certification (grades 1-12), from the University of Texas-Austin, as well as 18 hours toward a doctorate at Texas State University. She has been working as a Certified Academic Language Therapist, and now as a Licensed Dyselxia Therapist, for 20 years. She also has been a dyslexia therapist in the capacity
Speech Therapy
Saba Hernandez is a speech-language pathologist in Leander, TX.
Practice Type:
• Home Health Agency - Client's Home
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Fluency and fluency disorders • Language acquisition disorders • Phonology Disorders