Speech Therapist in Darien, CT
Aissa Inskeep is a speech-language pathologist in Darien, CT at CSLOT - Center for Speech, Language, and Occupational Therapy. Please contact Aissa Inskeep for a consultation.
The Speech Niche
Speech Therapy & Accent Reduction/Modification
Parents of children with a speech/articulation concern:
-Are you feeling frustrated because you can not understand your child when he speaks?
-Is your child also frustrated because he doesn't feel understood and can't clearly express what he wants?
-Has another professional told you that your child will outgrow his speech problem, but it doesn't seem to be getting
Myofunctional, Feeding and Speech therapy for the family!
Welcome to MarvelMyo & Speech! I am the owner, Katelyn Spencer, M.S., CCC-SLP, AOMT-C, and look forward to meeting you. I started MarvelMyo & Speech after being a speech therapist in the school system and seeing how little our kids were being given appropriate services and the lack of progress compelled me to want to help families with navigating the overwhelming spac
Speech and Language therapy
Speech and Language therapy at your place or mine
Robin Best MA CCC PA has been a speech language for over 30 years.
Work experience began in Long Island, New York in Schools, nursing homes, Rehabilatation centers and private practice.
After moving to Coral Springs, Florida my primary time was spent in building my private practice which evolved into my building Best Interventions in the Coral Springs Professi
Speech Therapist & Educational Advocate
FCSN trained. Speech-language pathologist with 30+ years experience as a therapist and an advocate/consultant for students with diverse special education needs of all ages. Experience with suburban school systems and BPS. Review and interpret clinical evaluations and help develop I.E.P./ 504 plans. Specialties include communication disorders, ASD, and transition plann
Speech and Language Therapy
Christine Law is a licensed Speech Language Pathologist in Kennesaw, GA with 20 years experience
Practice Type:
Private speech and language therapy
Practice Areas:
* children with autisim
* school age speech and language delays/disorders
* late talkers
* speech sound disorders
* stuttering
* developmental disabilities
Please contact Christine Law for
Morris Speech Therapy
Michele Demarest is a speech-language pathologist in Morristown, NJ.
Ms Demarest is a NJ-licensed Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) who is board certified by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) and holds her Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC). Ms Demarest was trained at the Kennedy Krieger Institute where she worked extensively with crani
Speech Therapy Framingham
We offer free 30 minute phone consultations to discuss you and your family's needs. Bright Side Speech Therapy provides speech therapy to all ages in Framingham, MA. We treat a variety of issues and disorders. Autism, Apraxia, Stuttering, language delay, accent reduction, AAC therapy, swallowing and feeding therapy, Down's Syndrome, and more. We are located in Framing
Cognitive and Speech Therapy for Adults
Brain Life Connection provides skilled online and in-home speech language pathology services to help individuals with brain injuries and other neurological conditions live their best life on their own terms. This includes comprehensive assessment and care of individuals with Parkinson's disease, dementia, primary progressive aphasia, and ALS.
For the fastest respon
Cindy Memmel
Speech Therapist
Pewaukee, WI 53072
 Preferred Member
Expert Speech Therapy
Cindy Memmel is a speech-language pathologist in Pewaukee, WI.
Practice Areas:
Speech Language Pathology; Articulation and Phonological Process Disordersl; Autism; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Fluency and fluency disorders; Language acquisition disorders; Phonology Disorders; Speech Therapy
I have experience working at the elementary, middle and high sch
Adult speech therapy
My name is Esther and I’m a speech pathologist based out of Fort Myers, Florida. I am originally from Chicago but have been practicing here in Florida for 5 years. I do home health with multiple companies and also see clients privately. I always try to connect potential clients with a company that will take their insurance before charging out of pocket. I spec
Cognitive & Language Therapy
Rebuilding Lives after Brain Injury & Stroke
I have been working with individuals with neurologic impairments for over 15 years and have valuable experience from some of the top rehabilitation centers in the country. I provide comprehensive evaluations and follow-up treatment for individuals with stroke, brain injury, concussion, brain tumors, aphasia, apraxia, and other neurogenic conditions. I tailor therapy
Neuro Rehabilitation
Telehealth and Home-based Speech Therapy Services
My client base is primarily comprised of adults who have survived strokes and brain trauma, or those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and all types of dementia, as well as head and neck cancer. Individuals with other impairments are also seen. A general outline of services is listed, although is not limited to the following:
Speech Therapy Services
Orofacial Myology Services
Alisa Prewitt has been practicing in the field of Speech Therapy for over 20 years. She has many years of experience working with pediatrics, adolescents, adults, and the geriatric population. Areas of specialties include feeding, swallowing, orofacial myology, cognitive and neurological disorders.
Alisa has provided assessment and treatment for autism spectrum
Diagnosis and Treatment of Dyslexia
Diagnosis and Treatment of speech and language disorders
We diagnosis and treat pediatric dyslexia, speech and language disorders. Sessions are available in person or via zoom. Sessions are timed and tailored to your child’s specific needs. We accept Gardiner Scholarships and work with many homeschool families and private school students. Our dyslexia therapy is based on Orton Gillingham principles utilizing both OG and Li
All Speech, LLC
Speech-Language Pathologist
Dallas, TX 75248
 Preferred Member
Speak, Eat, Learn, Sign, & Play!
Speech Therapy
Help Me Speak, LLC is the premier private practice in Howard County! We service infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school age children, teens, & adults. For our pediatric clients, we encourage & facilitate parent involvement. Our training is current with the latest innovative methods & techniques.
We specialize in evaluating & treating clients of all ages with oro
Dina Hart
Speech Therapist
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
Speech Therapy
Dina Hart is a speech-language pathologist in Roslyn Heights, NY.
Practice Type:
• Private Physician's Office
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Central Auditory Processing Issues • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Fluency and fluency diso
Speech Therapist in Lake City
Janna Hornbaker is a speech-language pathologist in Lake City, FL.
Practice Type:
• Home Health Agency - Client's Home
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Aphasia • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Augmentative Alternative Communication • Autism • Cognitive-Communication Disorders &bu
Speech Pathologist in New York
Angela McGee is a highly-trained speech-language pathologist dedicated to working with children. She specializes in speech sound disorders, language disorders, play therapy, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), and AAC (augmentative and alternative communication). Angela is trained in PECS and PROMPT (level II). She strongly believes in collaboration with families and oth
Pathways to Communication Enhancement
The only comprehensive pediatric speech-language pathology clinic in Carroll County, Maryland, SPEECH PATHways opens the doors to communication for children challenged by speech and language deficits. Offering speech and language services since 1999, SPEECH PATHways is directed by owner Kimberly A. Bell, M.S., CCC-SLP. Along with traditional speech and language servic
Therapeutic Fitness 4U!
My name is Angelica and I am from New York City (NYC) . I spent my earlier years of life in Puerto Rico and finished my teenage and young adult years in NYC. I earned both my Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Master of Arts (M.A.) in Communication Sciences Disorders (CSD) also known as Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) in NYC.
Initially, I started working with individuals
Speech Therapy
Jacqueline Greto is a speech-language pathologist in Philadelphia, PA.
Practice Type:
• Outpatient Rehabilitation Center
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Aphasia • Apraxia • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Fluency and fluency disorders • Language acquisition disorders • Neurogenic Communication Disorders
Online and in Person Speech Therapy
Ms. Torres provides speech therapy services online and in person. Schedules can be flexible, and we will work with you on payment plans. Ms. Torres has 30 years of experience treating all kinds of communication disorders in adults and children. Specialties include swallowing disorders, aphasia, dysarthria, childhood language and speech disorders, voice disorders, ac
Speech Therapy
Pamela Zomerfeld is a speech-language pathologist in Miami, FL.
Practice Type:
• Center
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Language acquisition disorders • Learning disabilities • Phonology Disorders • SLP developmental disabilities &bul
Speech Therapist in Tyrone
Sarah Perrie is a speech-language pathologist in Tyrone, GA.
Practice Type:
• Mobile and Virtual
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Aphasia • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Augmentative Alternative Communication • Autism • Cleft palate • Cognitive-Communication Disorders &bull
Speech Therapy
Debbie Krafcheck is a speech-language pathologist in Plano, TX.
Practice Type:
• Office
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Augmentative Alternative Communication • Autism • Central Auditory Processing Issues • Cleft palate • Cognitive-Communicati
Natalie Hole
Speech-Language Pathologist
San Francisco, CA 94121
•Caring, nurturing, and compassionate speech and language therapy in your child’s natural, home environment
•Serving children of all ages between San Francisco and Redwood City
•Energetic and playful therapists who exude a love for children
•Parental involvement in the child’s learning process encouraged
•Therapy goals tailored specifically to meet your child’
Advantis Therapy, LLC is a Private Speech Clinic that provides Evaluations and Treatment to both children adults. We specialize in the treatment of Communication Disorders secondary to Autism/Developmental Delays and Motor Speech Disorders. Our friendly atmosphere and staff cater to the individual needs of our clients and families. Our therapists work closely with ot
A Mile-High Speech Therapy
A Mile High Speech Therapy specializes in motor speech disorders, particularly in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Our SLP’s have considerable experience with differential diagnosis and treatment for childhood speech and language disorders. We have experience treating apraxia within co-occurring conditions including:
Down Syndrome,
Cerebral Palsy
Speech-Language Pathologist
Speech Therapist
Paul Fogle is a speech-language pathologist in Elk Grove, CA. He was a professor for 35 years and is a Professor Emeritus. He is an author of several textbooks and therapy manuals that are used throughout the U.S. and several foreign countries.
Practice Type:
Private Practice
Practice Areas:
Speech-Language Pathology: Neurogenic Cognitive-Communication Disor
Speech Therapy
Leslie Pumphrey is a speech-language pathologist in Springfield, PA.
Practice Type:
• Home Health Agency - Client's Home
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Aphasia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Central Auditory Processing Issues • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Communication Improvement a
Evaluation and treatment for children and adults.
speech, language, communication, social learning delays
At Full Spectrum Speech/Language Therapy we provide services for a variety of communication challenges. We provide evaluation and treatment for individuals who have challenges with accent reduction, apraxia of speech, AD-HD, articulation, ASD, augmentative and alternative communication, auditory processing, dynamic display devices, dysarthrias, executive functioning,
Speech Therapist in Englewood
Tracy Klein is a speech-language pathologist in Englewood, CO.
Practice Type:
• Hospitals
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Language acquisition disorders
Please contact Tracy Klein for a consultation.
Providing Holistic Speech Therapy Services in KY
Blossom Neuro Speech & Wellness is located in Louisville, KY. We see clients in our clinic, as well as via tele-health. We specialize in providing holistic speech therapy services to individuals with changes in neurological functioning. This could include post-concussion symptoms, stroke/brain injury, ADHD, dementia, post-COVID. We also complete AAC evaluations and of
PROMPT Certified
Expert Speech Therapy
Denielle O'Dowd has extensive experience and provides speech and language services to toddlers, preschoolers and school aged children with a wide range of impairments including, motor speech disorders, apraxia , developmental delays, autism, speech and and hearing impaired.
She holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence from ASHA, is licensed in New York and Co
Ann Monsky
Speech Therapist
Clarks Green, PA 18411
Speech Therapist in Clarks Green
Ann Monsky is a speech-language pathologist in Clarks Green, PA.
Practice Type:
• Self-Employed
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Accent Modification • Speech Therapy • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Language acquisition disorders • Learning disabilities • Speech Therapy
Speech and Voice Therapy for Adults
We provide therapeutic and elective communication services for adults. Our specialty services include voice therapy, trans voice modification, speech and voice improvement, fluency enhancement, and accent reduction. Our approach is collaborative and focuses on your specific skills and needs. We also value the importance of time and funding, so we aim to help you meet
Welcome to Speechworks Therapy Services
Speechworks Therapy Services (STS) provides Pediatric and Adult Speech Therapy. We pride ourselves in providing ethical and evidence based practices to support our families. Our clinic is passionate about making a difference in the lives of every individual that we serve and we welcome the opportunity to make you a part of th
Kate is a licensed Speech Language Pathologist in private practice. She previously worked in Ann Arbor Public Schools in a wide range of settings (all age levels, preschool- high school), including working with children with severe impairments and complex communication needs.
Kate provides comprehensive evaluations and evidence-based therapy solutions in the area
Providing compassionate comprehensive quality speech and language services in Vancouver, WA Portland, OR and surrounding areas.
I have been a licensed Speech Language Pathologist providing direct services to individuals requiring speech and language services, for 13 years. Majority of my career as a speech language pathologist has been providing direct care to the
Pediatric Speech Therapy Services
Kimberly McRae, INC. provides speech/language therapy services to children of all ages. We have experience in evaluating and treating some of the following:
-Speech Disorders
-Articulation Disorder
-Feeding Disorders
-Developmental Delays
-Motor Speech Delays
We also provide family and community support along with providing many home carry-
Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist
Portland Metro Area
My name is Amber Carini, and I'm a pediatric speech-language pathologist providing evidence-based, high quality in-home and virtual speech therapy service.
Please contact me with any questions.
Follow me on Facebook (Amber Carini MA CCC SLP) or Instagram @amber_c_slp.
Special experience and interest in: early intervention (birth to 3), parent coaching, "lat
Speech Therapy
Janine Liebman is a speech-language pathologist in Woodland Hills, CA.
Practice Type:
• Home Health Agency - Client's Home
Practice Areas:
Speech Language Pathology; Apraxia; Articulation/Phonological disorders; Autism; Language acquisition disorders; Speech language disorders (gen)
Please contact Janine Liebman for a consultation.