Speech Therapy Services
Orofacial Myology Services
Alisa Prewitt has been practicing in the field of Speech Therapy for over 20 years. She has many years of experience working with pediatrics, adolescents, adults, and the geriatric population. Areas of specialties include feeding, swallowing, orofacial myology, cognitive and neurological disorders.
Alisa has provided assessment and treatment for autism spectrum
Adult speech therapy
My name is Esther and I’m a speech pathologist based out of Fort Myers, Florida. I am originally from Chicago but have been practicing here in Florida for 5 years. I do home health with multiple companies and also see clients privately. I always try to connect potential clients with a company that will take their insurance before charging out of pocket. I spec
Providing speech and language services in-home and online.
Playful Speech Explorers LLC provides pediatric speech and language services. Evaluations and individualized therapy services are tailored to your child in the comfort of your home or online. We work with you to develop treatment plans based on what works for your child and your family. Speech and language services provided by Playful Speech Explorers LLC are presentl
Diagnosis and Treatment of Dyslexia
Diagnosis and Treatment of speech and language disorders
We diagnosis and treat pediatric dyslexia, speech and language disorders. Sessions are available in person or via zoom. Sessions are timed and tailored to your child’s specific needs. We accept Gardiner Scholarships and work with many homeschool families and private school students. Our dyslexia therapy is based on Orton Gillingham principles utilizing both OG and Li
Helping others across the age and gender spectrum
find their true, authentic voice
Maribel Serrano Holder is a speech-language pathologist in San Francisco, CA.
Practice Type: clinic and home-based
Practice Areas:
Accent Modification, Autism & Sensory Processing Disorder, Early language development and Intervention, Feeding & Swallowing Disorders, Voice Disorders and Gender Affirming Voice Training
Please contact Maribel Serrano Holder for
Lauren Sorrell
Speech-Language Pathologist
Fayetteville, GA 30214
 Preferred Member
Speech Therapy at school, home or tele-therapy!
At Southside Speech Therapy we offer both Virtual or in-person individualized Speech and Language Evaluations and Speech Therapy for pediatric and adult populations. We serve a range of speech and language disorders and needs including Articulation, Phonology, Expressive Language Disorders, Receptive Language Disorders and Pragmatic/Social Communication.
Speech Therapist in Darien, CT
Aissa Inskeep is a speech-language pathologist in Darien, CT at CSLOT - Center for Speech, Language, and Occupational Therapy. Please contact Aissa Inskeep for a consultation.
Morris Speech Therapy
Michele Demarest is a speech-language pathologist in Morristown, NJ.
Ms Demarest is a NJ-licensed Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) who is board certified by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) and holds her Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC). Ms Demarest was trained at the Kennedy Krieger Institute where she worked extensively with crani
Speech Therapist & Educational Advocate
FCSN trained. Speech-language pathologist with 30+ years experience as a therapist and an advocate/consultant for students with diverse special education needs of all ages. Experience with suburban school systems and BPS. Review and interpret clinical evaluations and help develop I.E.P./ 504 plans. Specialties include communication disorders, ASD, and transition plann
All Speech, LLC
Speech-Language Pathologist
Dallas, TX 75248
 Preferred Member
Speech and Language therapy
Speech and Language therapy at your place or mine
Robin Best MA CCC PA has been a speech language for over 30 years.
Work experience began in Long Island, New York in Schools, nursing homes, Rehabilatation centers and private practice.
After moving to Coral Springs, Florida my primary time was spent in building my private practice which evolved into my building Best Interventions in the Coral Springs Professi
Speak, Eat, Learn, Sign, & Play!
Speech Therapy
Help Me Speak, LLC is the premier private practice in Howard County! We service infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school age children, teens, & adults. For our pediatric clients, we encourage & facilitate parent involvement. Our training is current with the latest innovative methods & techniques.
We specialize in evaluating & treating clients of all ages with oro
Speech & Language Pathologist with 20 years of experience
Kerry is a Speech-Language Pathologist who holds a Master of Arts in Speech and Language Pathology from Temple University. Certified by the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) and holding licenses in several states, she has been practicing for over twenty years and has experience treating infants, children and adults. She is trained and experienced in worki
Speech and Language Therapy
Christine Law is a licensed Speech Language Pathologist in Kennesaw, GA with 20 years experience
Practice Type:
Private speech and language therapy
Practice Areas:
* children with autisim
* school age speech and language delays/disorders
* late talkers
* speech sound disorders
* stuttering
* developmental disabilities
Please contact Christine Law for
Myofunctional, Feeding and Speech therapy for the family!
Welcome to MarvelMyo & Speech! I am the owner, Katelyn Spencer, M.S., CCC-SLP, AOMT-C, and look forward to meeting you. I started MarvelMyo & Speech after being a speech therapist in the school system and seeing how little our kids were being given appropriate services and the lack of progress compelled me to want to help families with navigating the overwhelming spac
The Speech Niche
Speech Therapy & Accent Reduction/Modification
Parents of children with a speech/articulation concern:
-Are you feeling frustrated because you can not understand your child when he speaks?
-Is your child also frustrated because he doesn't feel understood and can't clearly express what he wants?
-Has another professional told you that your child will outgrow his speech problem, but it doesn't seem to be getting
Cognitive and Speech Therapy for Adults
Brain Life Connection provides skilled online and in-home speech language pathology services to help individuals with brain injuries and other neurological conditions live their best life on their own terms. This includes comprehensive assessment and care of individuals with Parkinson's disease, dementia, primary progressive aphasia, and ALS.
For the fastest respon
Don't Just Cope With Autism. Make Life Better!
Transformative Autism Coaching
Disconnection. Isolation. Having a child with autism makes life hard. You’re running more, trying harder than any parent you know, and getting back so much less. It’s not just the big accomplishments—the Instagram Superstar moments everyone posts of their kids—that you miss. Even more, it’s the little things, like shooting hoops, baking together, playing games, s
Cognitive & Language Therapy
Rebuilding Lives after Brain Injury & Stroke
I have been working with individuals with neurologic impairments for over 15 years and have valuable experience from some of the top rehabilitation centers in the country. I provide comprehensive evaluations and follow-up treatment for individuals with stroke, brain injury, concussion, brain tumors, aphasia, apraxia, and other neurogenic conditions. I tailor therapy
Speech Therapy Framingham
We offer free 30 minute phone consultations to discuss you and your family's needs. Bright Side Speech Therapy provides speech therapy to all ages in Framingham, MA. We treat a variety of issues and disorders. Autism, Apraxia, Stuttering, language delay, accent reduction, AAC therapy, swallowing and feeding therapy, Down's Syndrome, and more. We are located in Framing
Neuro Rehabilitation
Telehealth and Home-based Speech Therapy Services
My client base is primarily comprised of adults who have survived strokes and brain trauma, or those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and all types of dementia, as well as head and neck cancer. Individuals with other impairments are also seen. A general outline of services is listed, although is not limited to the following:
Speech Therapist in Mount Olive
Renee DeLuca is a speech-language pathologist in Mount Olive, NJ.
Practice Type:
• Office
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Aphasia • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Central Auditory Processing Issues • Cleft palate • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Fluency a
Speech Therapist in Spring Hill
Michelle Crouthamel is a speech-language pathologist in Spring Hill, TN.
Practice Type:
• Speech-Language Treatment Center/Clinic
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Autism • Language acquisition disorders • Learning disabilities • SLP developmental disabilities • Speech Therapy
Please contact Michelle Crouthamel
2/2008-Present St. Vincent Healthcare Billings, MT
Speech Language Pathologist
Evaluation and treatment of acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, adult outpatient rehabilitation
and a traumatic brain injury program including communication, cognition, voice and
7/2006-Present Central Montana
Better Lives Through Better Communication
Tarle Speech and Language was founded by Jennifer Tarle in order to empower individuals at all stages of life through better communication skills.
Jennifer is a Certified Speech Pathologist with over 14 years of experience in speech-related training and pathologies. Jennifer earned a BS degree and an MA degree in Speech Pathology. She is licensed in CA, IL, & OH, i
Jane Clapp
Speech-Language Pathologist
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Speech Therapist in Loudoun
Michelle Schwartz is a speech-language pathologist in Loudoun, VA.
Practice Type:
• Home Health Agency - Client's Home
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Central Auditory Processing Issues • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Fluency and flu
The following are some of the areas of concern that we address to help individuals achieve their goals:
Speech-language Evaluation & Therapy
Tutoring/Coaching (Students with Learning Disabilities and General Education Students)
Public Speaking
Bilingual Services
Child Study Team Evaluation, Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), Development & Case managem
Speech and Feeding Therapy
I specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of motor speech and feeding disorders including Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Dysarthria, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, and Autism.
I've been in private practice for the past three years. Before opening my practice, I worked in hospitals, rehab centers, and school districts across the state of Texas.
I'm currently Ta
Speech Therapy
Jane Saull is a speech-language pathologist in Hobe Sound, FL.
Practice Type:
• Skilled Nursing Facility
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Accent Modification • Aphasia • Apraxia • Aural (re)habilitation • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Fluency and fluency disorders • Language acquisition disorders
Illuminate your child's future through speech therapy...
IdeaSpeech Services
For all your speech therapy needs. Serving all of Brunswick and New Hanover Counties. Andrew Flynn has been practicing speech therapy for almost 10 years, and has worked in many different therapy settings, including multiple school settings, acute rehab, home health and early intervention. A majority of Andrew's clients are children with mult
Speech Therapy
Rhonda Mitchell is a speech-language pathologist in Powder Springs, GA.
Practice Type:
• Home Health Agency - Client's Home
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Accent Modification • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Language acquisition disorders • Le
The Voice Box
Speech-Language Pathologist
Montreal, Quebec H3S 1Z4
Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist
Core Communication Center is currently accepting new patients. Contact us today for more information and to discuss your needs. Currently offering flexible scheduling.
Massachusetts and NH state licensure for Speech-Language Pathology. Kimberly Porter, MS, CCC-SLP, CEIS has been licensed and servicing children birth+ for over 17 years and has been awarded (5)
Specializing in Voice Therapy & Vocal Cord Dysfunction/ PVFM
Sharon Frank, Speech-Language Pathologist specializing in voice disorders.
The practice specializes in seeing people with voice disorders and athletes with vocal cord dysfunction which is also goes by EI-PVFM.
Many of our clients need to improve their vocal clarity to function better in a variety of settings (home, work, socially, community) or to be better sing
Empowering children to communicate
I am a dedicated speech-language pathologist with a passion for helping children find their voices and achieve their communication potential. At Find My Voice Therapy Services, we provide expert pediatric speech therapy that can be delivered in various settings, including the comfort of your home, daycare/school, virtually, or within the community. With years of exper
Speech Therapist in Santa Rosa
John Samples is a speech-language pathologist in Santa Rosa, CA.
Practice Type:
• Speech-Language Treatment Center/Clinic
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Speech Therapy
Please contact John Samples for a consultation.
Speech Therapy
Linda Diamond is a speech-language pathologist in Los Angeles, CA.
Practice Type:
• Office
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Central Auditory Processing Issues • Language acquisition disorders • Phonology Disorders • SLP developmental d
Speech Therapist in Brooklyn
Anna Godelman is a speech-language pathologist in Brooklyn, NY.
Practice Type:
• Speech-Language Treatment Center/Clinic
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Speech Therapy
Please contact Anna Godelman for a consultation.
Speech Therapist in Jacksonville
Mariann Ramsey is a speech-language pathologist in Jacksonville, NC.
Practice Type:
• Preschool
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Autism • Cognitive-Communication Disorders • Fluency and fluency disorders • Language acquisition disorders • Learn
Speech Therapy
Traci Woods Ingram is a speech-language pathologist in Brownsboro, AL.
Practice Type:
• Speech-Language Treatment Center/Clinic
Practice Areas:
• Speech Language Pathology • Apraxia • Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders • Augmentative Alternative Communication • Autism • Central Auditory Processing Issues • F
Speech Therapy
Andrea Fehrensen is a Speech-Language Pathologist in Lake Elsinore, CA.
Practice Type:
Practice Areas:
Speech Language Pathology; PROMPT Trained Speech & Language Pathologist, Apraxia; Articulation and Phonological Process Disorders; Augmentative Alternative Communication; Autism & Social Thinking Therapy; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Fluency Disorders
Janna Hacker & Associates
We are a private practice providing comprehensive speech-language evaluations and therapy. Services are available at our clinic in Germantown or at your child's private school or daycare. Individualized goals are developed for each client. Individual therapy sessions are provided. Small group pragmatic (social skills) therapy is also available. We provide servic
Speech Therapy
Janine Liebman is a speech-language pathologist in Woodland Hills, CA.
Practice Type:
• Home Health Agency - Client's Home
Practice Areas:
Speech Language Pathology; Apraxia; Articulation/Phonological disorders; Autism; Language acquisition disorders; Speech language disorders (gen)
Please contact Janine Liebman for a consultation.